As a fourth grade Special Education Teacher I continue to learn and grow in my ability to live the Alternative to Violence principles. Through my experience in teaching young children and managing conflicted situations with the adults that I live, work, and play with, I continue to find new and successful ways to diffuse situations. I teach them through my actions and focused interventions how conflict can be resolved nonviolently. I show the much more positive outcome that is the result of nonviolent conflict resolution.
The resources on this website will guide you through this lifestyle and teach you a better way to handle whatever conflict is in your life. If you can truly commit to the philosophies taught through this course, your life and all of your relationships will be enriched in ways that violent (verbal, physical, emotional) actions cannot possibly nurture. Please know that there is a team of people here to support you through this journey.
See session 6 with the major point, "There have been many, but usually little-known, lives to guide us about nonviolence."

In Session 6 many philosophies and beliefs are mentioned in relation to peace. Listen to our readings on SoundCloud.
Submitted by Maureen Farris,
John Looney Intern 2005-2006