As a teacher, I use non-violence techniques and conflict resolution on a daily basis in at least two different ways. The one that I am passionate about is teaching the children how to implement these philosophies into their daily lives. The second way that I use non-violence and conflict resolution is with the adults that I come into contact with. I feel strongly about teaching my students this way of handling conflict because I want it to become a way of life for them.
To spare them a lifetime of anger, resentment, and violence they must learn how to handle these challenging situations with clear and effective techniques that diffuse situations and solve problems. I see, too often, adults that do not have tools to address their anger and stress in a way that promotes positive change. I want my students to have these resources in their toolbox so that when they become adults they can handle difficult situations in ways that they are proud of and in ways that promotes peace and justice to those around them. I use games, role-play, mentoring, class meetings, and mediation to help instill these methods into their daily lives in a meaningful way. In Sessions One through Six of this website you will find articles, exercises, videos, case histories and applications resolving personal conflict.
Maureen Farris, John Looney Intern (2005-2006) now
teaching Third and Fourth Grade Children