Elizabeth's seven students are equivalent to USA seniors in high-school. Although she is learning beginning Chinese, she teaches all day in English. Sophia is her Teachers Aid who lives with Elizabeth in an apartment furnished by the school.
I made my first homemade dish in my furnished apartment kitchen with an initial $2 purchase of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, onion, potatoes; all cooked together.
I ruined the bottom of my sweat pants walking on them in the rain during my first few days. I found a local seamstress to make them into capris. I heard this woman could do anything I requested. She did such a beautiful job on the capris AND mended my shirt seams, all for $1 because I am a teacher here.
One beautiful Spring- like day I borrowed my neighbor's mountain bike and road North 3.5 miles. Then I walked 2000 steps up to a mountain top to view farming communities below. What a view and what a trek back.
Submitted by Elizabeth Rose
John Looney Intern 2012-2013
After each course session on this Website you will find "Application". At the bottom of this page push Session 11; at the bottom you can read testimony by Elizabeth called "On Simple Living." Her pondering questions here may have helped her adjust so well to her new environment.