young people. Last month's blog updated readers about two past interns. Now read about three more young leaders for Peace, Justice and Nonviolence.
Recently MAUREEN FARRIS (Intern 2006) said,"I love teaching my third graders." Specifically she instructs them with reading and mathematics but in those lessons she also uses strategies about conflict resolution. (See past blogs for October and December 2013 in which Maureen describes how she infuses listening skills.) For this opening school year one new technique involves using a smart phone app in which students monitor themselves about their motivation. Look at the words used in this illustration of the app. I like that vocabulary and behavior come together through technology. Continuing this autumn at Kent State University SERENA-CLAIRE HANNA (Intern 2009) is near completing course work for an undergraduate degree in Conflict Management. Serena has been working full time while pursuing her studies. Persistence and discipline are both needed characteristics for long term success. Serena Hanna has contributed her writing from various conflict resolution classes as subjects for past blogs. See "Human Needs: Vital and Visceral (July 2014); What is Peace Building (May 2014)." Look for future blog posts about her studies. |
To learn about how John Looney Interns are chosen, go to the About Us page of this website. After reading through history and hearing testimonies, find "Description of John Looney Internship Posistion" PDF just above and right of intern group pictures. At the bottom of that page are definitions of other key concepts to ATVC Website.
Submitted by Danene M Bender
Editor of Alternatives to Violence Course