The following can be found on our past bog post for January, 2019
Ugly speech continues; some examples are name calling,
bullying, false news etc.
Adele Looney, wife of our founder of this ATV Course, keeps this
list on her refrigerator of possible reactions to bad behaviors.
❤️Adele will turn 100 years just before Valentines Day, 2023.❤️
❤️ Be Helpful .........................Be Loving
❤️Be Kind................................Be Patient
❤️Be Tolerant...............,...........Be Just
❤️Be Gentle..............................Be Joyful
❤️Be Foregiving........................Be Slow to Anger
❤️Have Self Control
These behaviors are great additions to ATVCourse Session One
which emphasizes how to deescalate conflict and potential
violence. See Session One with other sessions under sub heading